The Senate will soon vote on a bill that will prohibit mandatory GMO labeling. This bill, introduced by Sen. Roberts of Kansas, will prohibit states from requiring the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) food and would block mandatory labeling efforts. A similar bill already passed the House in July, and recently passed the Senate Agriculture Committee. The bill (S. 2609) now moves to the floor of the Senate.
Here are three things you can do:
1. Call your senators TODAY and ask them to oppose this bill and any attempt to prohibit mandatory labeling of GE food. Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. You’ll speak to an operator who will connect you to your Senator’s office. The message is this:
I have the right to know what is in my food. I want mandatory, on-package labeling of GMOs, not voluntary labeling. I urge you to vote against this bill, S. 2609.
2. Share this post with your friends, colleagues, and online social networks.
3. Sign this petition created by Food & Water Watch. By doing so, you’re sending another message to your senators and adding your name to the growing list of people who oppose this bill.
Senators are under tremendous pressure to vote for this bad bill. They need to hear from you TODAY. Read more background here.